Do you want to get things done and contribute to the well-being of the community of Rainow?
We are a friendly Council of varied ages, genders and backgrounds who share a common enthusiasm for the beautiful Parish of Rainow.
The role of Councillor is wide-ranging. We work together as a team, discussing and agreeing actions on local policies and issues affecting residents. Meetings are held monthly in the evening on the third Tuesday in the month.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Do you meet the following criteria?
· British, Commonwealth or EU citizen
· Aged 18 years or over
· Meet at least one of the following: a) appear on the Electoral Register for the parish b) lived in (or within 3 miles of) the parish for at least a year c) main place of work is within the parish for at least a year.
The Council intends to fill this vacancy by co-option at the next full council meeting on:
Tuesday 20th February 2024 at 7.30 p.m.
(Deadline NOON on Wednesday 14th February 2024)
Expressions of interest are invited from anyone that would like to be considered for co-option along with a brief background of your experience and why you would like to become a Parish Councillor.
For an informal chat about the role please speak with the Parish Clerk or Councillors (listed in the Raven or on our website). Details regarding the role of a Councillor and how to apply can be found on our website or email